Online Coaching

What is online coaching?

Online coaching is provided using a platform such as online video conferencing, chat messaging, internet phone or email, so as long as you have a phone, tablet or computer you’re all set!

Online coaching is beneficial in situations where it may not be easy or practical for you to come to an in-person appointment. Other benefits include reduced travel time and expense in addition to allowing you to attend sessions at more convenient time which can lead to greater consistency and better progress.

I currently exclusively offer virtual coaching sessions using a secure video conferencing service.

Is online coaching as effective as in-person sessions?

Yes! Online coaching is very effective and recent studies have shown that it gets results that are just as effective as in-person coaching.

Is online coaching private?

Yes, your session is completely confidential and private. Sessions will take place via a secure HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)/ PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) compliant video conferencing platform.

Is there anyone that online coaching is not suitable for?

While online coaching is effective for most people, there are some who it may not be the best option for. Mainly, it will depend on your own personal level of comfort with the idea of attending sessions online. If you are considering online coaching or have any questions, I would be happy to talk with you more about the process and what you can expect.

How should I prepare for my session?

Ensure that you have a secure, quiet, distraction free space for your session. Please keep in mind that choosing to attend your session in, so a public place such as a coffee shop, for example, will not be secure or private. You may also find it beneficial to have a good pair of headphones to make sure that you can hear everything clearly, but it is not necessary if your space is quiet. Please let your family or anyone that you live with know that you will be busy for 60 minutes and to avoid interruptions if possible. Finally, you might want to have a pen and paper with you so you can write down anything that you feel is particularly important.

Ready to get started? Contact me to book your appointment.